lunedì 7 agosto 2017

Tiga - Woke

Uno che non passa inosservato da queste parti è Tiga.

Direttamente dalle sue parole, così descrive 'Woke'

“Woke is a song about freedom, specifically my freedom. About me, at the end of the earth, pushed towards a final act of emancipation: throwing my phone into the sea, and watching it sink.”

“People may have a hard time empathizing with a successful DJ, or anyone who associates an annoying buzzword with anything approaching enlightenment. But I don’t think it’s that hard to relate to feeling like you’ve entered into a lopsided bargain with a magic box that is more or less designed to hack its way into your self-image. Call it an empty gesture, but as I hurled my phone into the water, it was very much an instance of facing up to something I knew wasn’t good for me, and finding some sense of release, if only for a moment.”

Ne approfitto per ricordare questo post di pochi giorni fa in cui Tiga chiede scusa ai suoi fan per la deludente serata di Roma, commentato con stile da Damir Ivic.

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