sabato 31 ottobre 2015

Tiga annuncia il nuovo album per il 2016

Sono passati ben 6 anni dall'ultimo album di Tiga, 'Ciao!' è uscito nel 2009.
Un sacco di tempo, una vita, secondo lui stesso: "Seven years is a lifetime, especially for lifetime full-time dreamers like me. Entire fantasy worlds have been loved and lost. Restaurants have opened and closed. I’ve taken the spiritual advice of those closest to me and chosen to remain inside the present, listening and growing until there’s no choice to spring out of the box and share my gift. And that gift is the simplest of questions and answers. What is love? It is what it is, and what it is is it’s everythin".

In una breve intervista a RA riguardo l'ispirazione ha detto: "Love and romance. More romance than love. I have to love certain people; I’ll romance whomever I please. The album started club but ended somewhere else, somewhere where I am now a man. A man in a club."
E per quanto riguarda le collaborazioni: "For me, friendship and collaboration have become almost inseparable, like Batman and Crime."

Il nuovo album previsto per l'anno prossimo è anticipato dal singolo 'Don't Break My Heart'

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